2014-04-11 13:09:23 UTC
Recently I was familiarizing myself with the SNMP functionality of
Erlang and decided to use the snmp_test_manager
(lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_manager.erl) setup as a guide. During my endeavor
I was unable to start_link an snmp_test_manager due to a badmatch occurring
on line 133. See traceback here: http://pastebin.com/1eNYkGTz
This is because on line 133 the snmp_test_manager module is expecting a
tuple of {ok, Pid} from snmpm:start_link/0 . However, snmpm:start_link/0
will only return the atom ok. This causes a badmatch. By editing line 133
of snmp_test_manager.erl to only expect the atom ok, and editing line 136
to not reference the no longer existing Pid variable, I was able to fix the
module. I also edited line 59 to remove the mgr key from the State record,
as after these changes it was no longer being used. You can find my public
repository here:
and the branch with the fix is called
Recently I was familiarizing myself with the SNMP functionality of
Erlang and decided to use the snmp_test_manager
(lib/snmp/test/snmp_test_manager.erl) setup as a guide. During my endeavor
I was unable to start_link an snmp_test_manager due to a badmatch occurring
on line 133. See traceback here: http://pastebin.com/1eNYkGTz
This is because on line 133 the snmp_test_manager module is expecting a
tuple of {ok, Pid} from snmpm:start_link/0 . However, snmpm:start_link/0
will only return the atom ok. This causes a badmatch. By editing line 133
of snmp_test_manager.erl to only expect the atom ok, and editing line 136
to not reference the no longer existing Pid variable, I was able to fix the
module. I also edited line 59 to remove the mgr key from the State record,
as after these changes it was no longer being used. You can find my public
repository here:
and the branch with the fix is called
Colton Leekley-Winslow
Developer, Telsasoft
(952) 707-8581
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Colton Leekley-Winslow
Developer, Telsasoft
(952) 707-8581
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